SeeDAO is a network polis built upon blockchains. Manifested in the form of a decentralized digital network (the SeeDAO Network) and a multitude of physical venues all over the world (the SeeShore), SeeDAO is built, governed, and shared by its members.
A digital polis, SeeDAO emphasizes the importance of people and that the code must serve people. All social interactions, public assets, organizational rules, and records generated by its members, along with all assets in the Treasury, are an invaluable wealth of SeeDAO.
SeeDAO is dedicated to resolving all appeals put forward by its members regarding economic infrastructures, public service, and governance, thus facilitating free development for all residents within this polis.
Members are the fundamental components of SeeDAO. All rights, obligations, proceeds, and risks from SeeDAO are correlated with its members.
SeeDAO members shall be either of the following:
a. Contributors registered on SeeDAO’s Proof of Work (PoW) ledger;
b. Holders of SeeDAO Genesis NFT (SGN) or Memory of SeeDAO Contribution (MSC).
All members of SeeDAO have the rights to learn SeeDAO’s history, receive education from SeeDAO, be rewarded for their PoW, stand for election for public positions, oversee SeeDAO’s public services, defend the interest of SeeDAO’s commons, exercise their freedom of speech as per SeeDAO’s regulations, and participate in governance subjected to their levels of contributions.
All members of SeeDAO have the obligations to synchronize SeeDAO’s PoW ledger, make clear their rights and obligations before taking on any task, defend SeeDAO’s commons, and abide by all SeeDAO’s protocols and regulations.
SeeDAO’s governance principles shall be:
a. both top-down and bottom-up;
b. multi-levelled;
c. in an organic fluid state;
d. open and transparent.
SeeDAO encourages its members to participate in governance with their most proficient skills, gives matters to those most professional, and fully respects knowledge and expertise.
SeeDAO encourages member movements between positions, guilds, and projects based on their expertise. Members may create with all of SeeDAO’s resources, participate in different levels of governance, and develop themselves in any way they see fit.
All public position recruitments, revenues and expenses, policies on major public issues, and transactions in the PoW ledger shall be open, transparent, and supervised by all SeeDAO members.
SeeDAO’s governance apparatus is made in accordance with the above-mentioned principles:
The SeeDAO Nodes Consensus Congress (NCC), consisting of all nodes in SeeDAO, is the highest organ of policy-making of SeeDAO. The NCC convenes every three months and votes on proposals. Each participant holds one vote.
The SeeDAO Council, consisting of public service professionals, is the daily governance organ of SeeDAO. The SeeDAO Council rotates all its positions every three months and is responsible for all governance and operation issues. Refer to SeeDAO’s Manual of Governance for its details.
The C-Combinator is responsible for the economic development, incubation of essential infrastructures for SeeDAO, and revenue generation for the Treasury. All matters at the C-Combinator are best handled by the most professional.
Guilds and projects are integral components of SeeDAO. All guilds and projects shall have full autonomy under SeeDAO’s Meta Protocol and Manual of Governance.
Any member with contributions above a certain level within one governance term is recognized as a node. Members’ contributions are measured by their involvement in guilds, projects, and public services.
Nodes have the right to participate in the NCC and its policy-making process and be rewarded for their participation. Nodes shall devote themselves to SeeDAO’s development.
Refer to SeeDAO’s Rules of Nodes Consensus Congress for more details regarding the election, continuation, and rewards of nodes.
The SeeDAO Nodes Consensus Congress is the highest organ of policy-making of SeeDAO. The NCC convenes every three months.
All nodes in the NCC are responsible for policy-making on all matters proposed to the NCC. Each node holds one vote.
The SeeDAO Council is responsible for the convening of the NCC. Refer to SeeDAO’s Rules of Nodes Consensus Congress for more details.
The NCC have the rights to:
a. Be briefed by the Council and C-Combinator and give an assessment of the Council’s performance;
b. Elect members of the Council for the next term and announce members of the C-Combinator;
c. Authorize budgets of the Council and extra budget proposed by the C-Combinator for the next term;
d. Enact and amend Level II rules proposed by the Council with the exception of the Manual of Governance; render judgements on whether SeeDAO’s community rules are in contradiction to the Meta Protocol;
e. Examine and approve proposals put forward by SeeDAO members;
f. Set the threshold for memberships of the next NCC.
Any decision at the NCC must be reached with a majority and at least half membership present.
The NCC has the power to amend the Meta Protocol. See Chapter 8: Enactment and Amendment of the Meta Protocol.
The C-Combinator is a crucial strategic team responsible for incubating infrastructures for DAO, generating revenue, and expanding SeeDAO’s ecosystem.
Incubating infrastructures for SeeDAO and its ecosystem. Constructing an underlying DAO system for the digital polis.
Generating revenue, and building a sustainable economy.
Introducing DAO infrastructures to the Web3 industry. Making prosperous SeeDAO’s ecosystem, forming a DAO-to-DAO (D2D) network.
The C-Combinator sits on the same level as the Council in SeeDAO’s governance apparatus. The C-Combinator is obligated to submit a work summary for the previous term at the NCC.
The C-Combinator operates in a semi-centralized manner and is governed by experts in their respective areas. The C-Combinator has full autonomy in all matters regarding positions, terms of offices, and personnel changes.
The C-Combinator shall make decisions regarding DAO Tooling and other infrastructures for SeeDAO.
The C-Combinator has full negotiation and signing authority in the representation of SeeDAO.
The C-Combinator has right to operate and make full use of SeeDAO’s branding and media accounts to promote itself and its incubating projects.
A sum of $1,000,000 in stablecoins has been given to the C-Combinator as its fund for incubation.
All proceeds by the C-Combinator, including tokens, NFTs, and assets in other forms, shall be converted into stablecoins and shared between SeeDAO’s Treasury and relevant personnel in whichever way the C-Combinator deems appropriate.
SeeDAO’s guilds consist of skilled, like-minded SeeDAO members. Through communications and organizing events, guilds cultivate and accumulate talents, offer professional training, and encourage exchanges and cooperation between talents.
Projects are organizations with clear plans and purposes launched within SeeDAO. Projects organize events as per their plans. Projects include hobbyist groups, in-guild projects, SeeDAO public projects, incubation projects, and other tasks organized in similar fashions.
All guilds and projects must conduct in compliance with the rules and regulations of SeeDAO.
All guilds and projects have full autonomy under the SeeDAO Meta Protocol and the SeeDAO Manual of Governance. Other guilds, projects, the C-Combinator, the Council, and the NCC must give full respect for any guild’s autonomy and have no right to interfere in any affair, not in violation of the SeeDAO Meta Protocol.
$SEED, SeeDAO’s token, has a total supply of 1 billion, 25% of which goes to the CryptoC team (including paybacks to first-round investors), 15% of which goes to investors in series A and after, 60% of which goes to the SeeDAO community. $SEED is set to release by February 2024.
Of the 600 million $SEEDs that go to the community, 100 million goes to supporting SeeDAO’s development. The other 500 million are set to be mined through PoW by community contributors and recorded into the PoW ledger.
SeeDAO’s community mines a maximum of 50 million (5% of total supply) $SEEDs as per the Principle of PoW. Theoretically, if the community continues to mine $SEEDs at the maximum rate, all community-mined $SEEDs will be released in 10 years.
1. Principle of PoW
The Principle of PoW dictates that the amount of $SEEDs to be released be calculated based on its market and future value.
Under the Principle of PoW, $SEEDs shall be released at a rate based on their value and the total market value of members’ contributions.
Refer to SeeDAO’s Manual of Governance for categories and rewards for PoW.
2. Governance Mining: Rewards to Nodes at the NCC
SeeDAO rewards all nodes that build and maintain SeeDAO’s governance apparatus. Governance mining is the process of nodes receiving tokens through governance.
All $SEEDs mined through governance shall be included in the yearly release through PoW.
The amount of $SEEDs mined through governance shall be 1/20 of all $SEEDs mined in other categories of PoW.
All $SEEDs mined through the PoW of community contributors are not locked. $SEEDs to CryptoC and first-round investors are locked as per their respective agreements. $SEEDs to CryptoC and other investors are locked as per their respective agreements.
As dictated by SeeDAO’s governance apparatus, SeeDAO’s rules are categorized into:
a. Level I rules - the SeeDAO Meta Protocol;
b. Level II rules - all rules dictating SeeDAO’s governance save for the Meta Protocol;
c. Level III rules - all rules drafted by guilds and projects and dictating only matters within guilds and projects.
Any Level II or III rules in contradiction to any terms in the Meta Protocol shall be deemed null and void.
The NCC has the power to determine whether rules are in contradiction to the Meta Protocol.
The NCC has the power to pass Level II rules and their amendments.
Prior to the first NCC, the Temporary Rules of SeeDAO’s Nodes Consensus Congress and SeeDAO’s Temporary Manual of Governance have the same force as Rules for SeeDAO’s Nodes Consensus Congress and SeeDAO’s Manual of Governance.
Any amendment may be proposed by a one-third vote of all nodes in the previous NCC. The amendment must then be ratified by two-thirds of all nodes in the current NCC to take effect.
All amendments must be updated and released by the Council with permission from the NCC.